Slip of the lip....

Some people have to tell a lie over and over again in order to believe that lie is true. Not a narcissist! They believe they're lies from the very beginning before it even leaves their lips. 
I use to wonder if he actually thought of what he was saying before he said it. It's one thing to be good at lying and be a good liar. He could never keep his stories straight. For a time, we blamed it on the damage from drinking. While that did exist, he was just clearly that stupid.  
I never met anyone who didn't acknowledge it. It was too obvious to be ignored. 
One of my favorites was his attempt at being clever.  
I'd ask him how much he had to drink when he came in plastered and he'd say. "I only had 6 beers". Ok... "How many shots did you have with those 6 beers?". As if I'm the stupid one.  
You don't spend 19 years with someone and NOT know them. You don't hear countless promises intended to be broken then not believe they were broken when the evidence is right in your face.  
I wonder how she does it? The"new supply". How does she hear the lies when they come out of his mouth? There's a saying that goes, "No one rides harder for a dead beat dad than his new girlfriend". Those of us who are experts in the area of Narcassists, KNOW the first lie is spoken in the first conversation.  
You can't warn them. You just have to sit back and wait for the slip. That's when her desperation will be revealed. That's when you'll see just how stupid she really is.  


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